My latest projects
Most of my projects the last few weeks have been knitted hats with crochet flowers. I'm definitely more proficient with knitting, but I am able to crochet as well. I still have to use a book to remind me what the different stitches are and following a crochet pattern feels like reading a book in a foreign language. It's a little weird because I vaguely remember knitting patterns feeling the same way when I first started, and now I'm writing my own patterns! Here are some of the hats, my favorites are the cream and light pink ones.

I've also been making a few more hobby horses. Here is the first that I was able to completely finish. (Not including the one I made for my niece for Christmas.) I have the head of another finished and ready to be felted. I also ordered more wool so that hopefully soon I will have a herd of horses.

Along with the hats and horses, I've got sheep, chicks and bunnies flying off my needles. Well, maybe not flying off, but I'm definitely making progress. Speaking of which, I've got a sheep in need of legs and a chick in need of wings. Back to work!
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